Becoming Your Best: The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

Becoming Your Best: 

The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

  1. Be true to your character.

Who you are is essential in defining who you will become and how you can get there. Your character is made up of your reactions to things, and actions towards others. You can appear to be a mean individual due to saying mean things and you can be a good individual due to doing good things. It’s all up to you. Whatever you do, is all you, and you stick to it. Sometimes an attitude can lead to habits and ways of thinking that stay. Being who you are should come naturally. This can sometimes change or be affected by our personal relationships, and the mode of society we are in. Success can affect a character due to the changes iny our life. You get a better home possibly, a bigger paycheck, a nicer car, luxurious items, a new set of friends, and basically a new lifestyle. However big the changes may be, this should not change you. Being successful and staying successful is being true to who you are. This is a factor nobody can force you to change but you do willingly.

There has been moments in my life that my surroundings have affected the way i amm towatrds things, and i have lerarned that no matter how diifficult the situation, or how high expectations are of you, only oyu can beat them. Surpassing adversity requires being focused, and this means focused on who you are in total. if you worry about what others think of you this can lead to your downfall. Only you can judge yourself, and you should only judge yourself if you are willing to improve yourself.






2. Use your imagination.

Your imagination is the key factor to your  individuality and passion. Imagination can also lead to you accomplishing more because of your thoughts. Being different can count as an assest in when you can create something nobody else has ever created. Be imaginative, be a dreamer, wish and hope and create the never-before-seen awe and wonder in people. Thought proccess can never be the same between individuals, people can think ” alike” but never exactly the same that is the beauty of having a mind. I want to work in the parades/ meet & greet characters in disneyland, mainly because i want to spread happinesss to children, and bring them hope. Children really imagine and believe in the characters that brign them hope and i want to bring magic. I guess that’s what makes my imagination move; making people happy.











3. Apply the power of knowledge

What is knowledge? Simple, it is experience, it is thought process, wisdom, what you know, not just in your mind, but heart. Being smart isn’t always about numbers, sometimes it’s about knowing the truth to things. Knowing that certain things are enough and they are smart and meaningful. For example, one must follow their heart, a quote of wisdom, knowing and understanding this is knowledge. Follow your heart, your intuition, what you believe, be true to yourself. This is the essential factor to being “wise,” and to being successful. Another scenario, when you first touched fire it burned, so when you cook now with fire or light candles, you are careful. Knowing, that fire burns is knowledge.



In everyday usage, knowledge refers to awareness of or familiarity with various objects, events, ideas, or ways of doing things. But, as philosophers have noted for centuries, things get complicated fairly quickly. Consider, for example, the question: What is real? Is the coke bottle on my desk real? Are the trees outside my window real? What about the number pi? What about the pain from the slight cut on my finger? As one ponders these questions, they quickly give rise to the question of how do I come to know things in the first place?

Separating the “How” from the “What” of Knowledge

With some reflection, it becomes clear that, at least to some extent, what is real for me depends in part on how I come to know things. For example, my perceptual, cognitive background structures allow me to experience and understand the Coke bottle on my desk in a particular way; different perceptual or cognitive background structures would result in a different reality. This point was well made in the 1980 film, The Gods Must Be Crazy, which tells the story of the dramatic impact a Coke bottle dropped by a passing airplane had on an isolated tribe in the Kalahari Desert.
The tribesmen interpreted the bottle as a gift from the gods, and the film tracked how that meaning permeated the tribe and impacted its members. This brief example highlights the two broadest angles philosophers take regarding knowledge, which is that of “epistemology” and “ontology.” Ontology refers to the question of reality and is about determining what can be said to really exist in the world. In contrast, epistemology refers to how we humans know things. A “theory of knowledge” would explain what knowledge was, how humans could come to know things, what truly existed in the world, and the complicated relationship between the two.

A Basic Approach to Conceptualizing Knowledge

One of the oldest and most venerable traditions in the philosophy of knowledge characterizes knowledge as “justified true belief”. Although not all philosophers agree that “justified true belief” does in fact adequately characterize the nature of knowledge, it remains the most dominant conception of knowledge. Thus, for many, knowledge consists of three elements: 1) a human belief or mental representation about a state of affairs that 2) accurately corresponds to the actual state of affairs (i.e., is true) and that the representation is 3) legitimized by logical and empirical factors. To be clear about this last element, it is not considered knowledge if, for example, a child, when asked about the molecular nature of water, says “H 2 0” simply because he is parroting what he has heard. In contrast, a chemist who answers “H 2 0” has knowledge because his representation is meaningfully networked and justified by much prior knowledge and careful deductive work.

Justification, thus, is central to this idea of knowledge. The question of what kind of justification is necessary to constitute knowledge is the focus of much reflection and debate among philosophers. Three prominent approaches that have been taken in an attempt to articulate how justifiable beliefs are formed are: 1) foundationalism, which attempts to articulate foundationally true beliefs, from which other conclusions can be derived; 2) coherentism, which argues that knowledge consists of systems and must be evaluated on the degree to which the system has logical coherence that corresponds to external facts; and 3) reliablism, which argues that there are good and bad ways to develop beliefs, and that justified beliefs are those beliefs that are formed based on good and reliable methods. Although philosophers disagree on which is most fundamental, most agree that justification can and should involve all of these elements.


Kinds of Knowledge

Philosophers often divide knowledge up into three broad domains: personal, procedural, and propositional. Personal knowledge relates to firsthand experience, idiosyncratic preferences, and autobiographical facts. Procedural knowledge refers to knowledge how to do something, such as how to play basketball or ride a bike. Propositional knowledge refers to general truth claims about the world and how we know it. An important difference between philosophy and psychology can be seen in these various kinds of knowledge. Whereas philosophers have generally been concerned with general propositional knowledge, psychologists have generally concerned themselves with how people acquire personal and procedural knowledge.

Ways of Knowing: Empirical and Rational

By what mechanisms do we come to achieve knowledge? The two most dominant answers to this question in philosophy have come from the rationalists and the empiricists. The rationalists argue that we utilize reason to arrive at deductive conclusions about the most justifiable claims. Rationalists tend to think more in terms of propositions, deriving truths from argument, and building systems of logic that correspond to the order in nature. Rene’ Descartes and Immanuel Kant are some of the most famous rationalists, in contrast to John Locke and David Hume, who are famous empiricists.
Empiricists tend to argue that the most basic knowledge we achieve about the world comes from our senses, the direct observations that we make about the world. The distinction between the rationalists and empiricists in some ways parallels the modern distinction between philosophy and science. As the scientific method emerged and became increasingly distinct from the discipline of philosophy, the fundamental distinction between the two was that science was constructed on empirical observation, whereas the initial traditions in philosophy (e.g., Aristotle) were grounded more in utilizing reason to build systems of knowledge.


Modern versus Post-Modern Views on the Nature of Knowledge

The birth of science gave rise to the Enlightenment, and arguably the defining feature of the Enlightenment was the belief that humans could use reason and scientific observation and experimentation to develop increasingly accurate models of the world. Such models were conceived to be “true” in the sense that they described ontology (the way the world was) in a manner that was separate from subjective impressions. The Periodic Table of Elements is a great example of the success of the idea that nature can be objectively described.
But in many disciplines, especially in the social sciences and humanities, since the 1960s there has been an increasing chorus of voices that challenge the conception of scientific knowledge as being a pristine, objective map of the one true reality. Instead, many have argued that human knowledge is inherently based on context, that is created in part by the way the human mind organizes and constructs perceptions and also by the way the social context legitimizes certain ideas in various historical and political times, and that these elements cannot be completely divorced from our “knowledge”. These scholars fall under the broad term “postmodernism” to highlight the contrast in assumptions regarding the nature of knowledge in contrast to the modernist assumptions of the Enlightenment.

Recent Systems of Knowledge

Although several modern philosophers seriously doubt whether a successful theory of knowledge can be built, there nonetheless have been identifiable developments in mapping knowledge domains and attempting to develop educational systems that begin with the basic structure and domains of knowledge. One such development has been the development of ‘Theory of Knowledge’ International Baccalaureate Diploma Program that teaches students about the ways of knowing and the domains of knowledge such that they can approach many different areas of inquiry with a grounding in how knowledge systems are build.
A second system that has been gaining some notoriety lately is that of Big History, which attempts to create a macro-level perspective of humans since the beginning of time.

My framework, the Tree of Knowledge System, is an approach that has elements in common with both of these approaches. The ToK System carries as a unique feature the proposition that reality as an unfolding wave of energy and information that has developed in four major phases, Matter, Life, Mind and Culture. As part of a new unified view, I argue that it solve the long standing problem of psychology and thus offers a new way to bridge philosophy and psychology and integrate human knowledge systems in to a more coherent holistic view.



4. Never give up

Setbacks and adversity happen, but a person can’t just sit down and give up. A boxer gets hit about 70 times or more per round in the ring, yet they fight and stand up. Never giving up was bravery. If you were brave enough to stand up and do the very thing that scared you then, by default, you are one brave human being.  I suppose life is challenging it. Beating life meant living, it was surviving. People can stop believing in you, but you have only failed the moment when you decide you have. don’t give up on what you want to accomplish. Your accomplishment is part of your success.




5. Find peace and balance

Life needs a balance. It’s a mix of everything, but a person needs to have so much of each thing to live fully. Happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, are all emotions that are kept in balance to remain stable in life. For every dark clump of cloud in the sky, there is at least one ray of sunlight. Sometimes life seems bleak and dark, then out of the sudden something incredible happens and it restores all your faith in humanity. Lately, everything has been hard for me, and yesterday i got a job, this will help my family and i can’t wait for that honestly. This is my sunlight. Life also requires the breaka part of it’s individual counterparts. That means school/work is one, family is one, and friends are one, for the basics. You have your physical appearance, health, mental health, and spiritual health. Keeping everything flowing and calm is key in maintaining peace in the chaos. You must keep yourself healthy, eating right, protecting against toxins. This means toxins in the brain and life such as toxic company, and toxic additions that ae unneccesary in your life. You do not need the liquor, or the THC. You do not need the friend that only brings you down. You don’t need to live in the shabby apartment with rats, when you can live in a home far from the slime on the walls. Find peace within yourself, peace is found with understanding, and hope, and adjustments to better yourself.








6. Live the Golden Rule

I suppose the golden rule would be determined by the person following the rule. A golden rule is a basic principle regarding a person’s strongest morals. In religion, the golden rule is doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. A golden rule doesn’t have to be religious. It can be the basic motto you live by, or a motto you strongly believe in. For example, following your heart, never giving up, and fighting for justice. For superheroes, the golden rule would be fighting for justice. For someone trying to be healthy, their rule could be never giving up. For me, i believe my strongest belief would be to follow your heart, and that has been my golden rule for as long as i could remember it having such high importance in my life. This rule is considered to be my golden standard because of what it means for your life. Being true to your heart means unnderstanding yourself, and being nothing other than what you are, it means living the way you believe in your heart is right, it means trusting your heart above all the corruption and darkness. I follow my heart by staying true to what i say and believe in. I follow my heart by knowing what i feel in my heart is wrong. I follow my heart when i let my heart decide. You know what you are capable of and what you are not, you set your boundaries, and you set your goals. The golden rule is up to you and only you, you live by it.

For example this weekend i folllowed my heart and braved what i was to afraid to. I ziplined, and rock climbed, and paintballed, i was afraid of the height, afraid of the drop, afraid of being hit. But my heart said i could so i did, and i knew deep inside that this strength or courage, or whatever it was, had always been there and that it was enough tot drive me forward.To push me to the brink of adrenaline, to push my passion, to inspire and drive me









7. Build and maintain trust


Trust is what you have for others, for things, and for yourself. You trust in your cellular service provider to give you data and service. You trust your friends to be honest with you. You trust yourself to make the right choice that is best for you. Trust is a simple yet hard thing to keep and have. Trust is never given, but earned. Maintaining and gaining trust means being honest, living up to the expectations you’ve set for yourself, it means staying in blance. If you want trust then you give trust back, trust must be mutual for it to have meaning and be strong. My trust, for example, has remaind the same, if i say it is that then it is what i said because i don’t want to lie. I have mutual trust with my family and friends. For example, I ask my mom if i can go out, she trusts that i’ll acknowledge her rules and be back at the time she specifies, and i trust that she gives me permission to do this and is aware of what i am doing. Another example, a friend may trust me with their secret crush/like, and i can keep their promise because they trust me and i trust them. Trust is easy to keep, just be trustful back.




8. Quick to listen slow to wrath

This means be open minded and hear others out before only sticking to your opinion.Everyone deserves to be heard and this means listening. this can help you be a successful leader because you grow your capacity for empathy and the capacity to learn in yourself. You can collaborate with others and others will hear you out as well and this makes for great cooperation amongst a team. Leaders lead with knowledge, knowledge from experience and from wisdom and from their heart. Open mind and open hearts equals open opportunities and possibilities. Learning to see the opposing views or other views helps when expanding your work.






9. Lead with vision

A true leader must have vision and drive to do what she/he cannot do yet. A goal is something you accomplish that has been set for accomplishment. I want to be a leader. I want to lead with clear goals, and clear understandable reasons for wanting to accomplish the goals. When i say i want to do something, i will, that’s the mindset a person has to have to truly do what they want to do. Being a leader takes guts, and hope. A vision is essential to following your dreams, in a way, a vision is a dream. It is a dream you want in reality. Vision also means seeing, seeing means to look beyond what an individual has accomplished and to what they will accomplish. A vision thus, is a glance at the future to come. Look far beyond today, because what you do today will become what is tomorrow.

10. Manage with a plan















10. Manage with a plan

If you have a plan the world seems easier. Obstacles are dealt with and accounted for in the plan to avoid such challenges or how to deal with the challenge. Plans are useful when deciding things, and making choices seem easier because you understand the benefits and consequences of your actions. Plans are also useful when carrying out ideas, it helps you see where the idea will take you and how yu will get there. These plans are essential when leading a group because it creates order, and a clear understanding of what you and the group will accomplish. I plan to create thank you letters for my peers and teachers, as well as bringing my friends something noting how this will be our last year here. I want to bring my friends roses for the fact that they helped me grow, and they themselves are beautiful people that have endured life just like the flower had. I have been planning the colors and providing reaosning for them, i wish to buy orange rose, or yellow, because they are different, my friends are different, they arent the average red rose and the vibrant shades of orange hues are unique, and still beautiful. This means that you don’t have to be average, you don’t have to fit in, you don’t have to be the same, to be beautiful and to matter. I am planning these ideas becaus ei want those around me to know i truly appreciate them and that they made a diference in my life.  I have also planned out future ideas and events i will attend to keep track and stay organized. I run the house in my family, just yesterday i cleaned the fridge and scrubbed the honey remains off the side door of the fridge, i cleaned our trash cans and took out trash, i cleaned dishes, and swept the living room, and tossed out recyclables, and scurbbed our furniture, and organized the laundry so having a plan helps. I make a list of what i need to do, and then proceed in an order that works best. I can wash dishes while the soup is boiling, i can sweep while i pick up clothes, i can wash clothes while im cleaning the fridge, this way i multitask and finish faster. Plans help.


11. Do what matters the most

Doing what is most important is what matters. Its a matter of priorities and focusing your knowledge and time into what truly matters tyo you. If your education is what matters most in your life at the moment then this means channeling all your efforts in to doing what you need to do. this means doing assignments, being accountable for mistakes, and success, being on time, and being focused. Priorities tend to change when going thorugh transitions in your life. That’s is why we don’t notice when we are changing. We are changing with the moment, and we feel it normal for us to be learning and developing. It is part of growing up. As our high school journey is ending soon, i am focusing on what matters the most. Throughout my years in highschool, i have learned that many things influence us. What happens in our lives, those inovlved in our lives, and how we live our lives. I would like to thank my teacher of computer science, new media, Mr. Haymore for the award last thursday. He is truly one of the educators here that has impacted my life and truly helped me succeed here at HPIAM. I learned that IN LIFE,  we need to focus on whats important. For me, it is those around us, currently i am developing ideas for letters i wish to write and also gifts i would like to try and give to those i am leaving behind, these individuals are the ones i thank for helping me grow in high school. Channel your focus and heart and mind into what matters the most to you. I have been contemplating what i want to become in the future and have realized i would like to become a computer teacher and help students the way our teacher has influenced us. I want to brighten the minds of future generations, and i have high school to thank for helping me find my path.

12. Be accountable

Being accountable is a matter of perspective. Being accountable may mean being on time, being responsible, and also being there when you are needed. i am loyal and there to support my friends. Because they matter the most to me, ending high school has brought new challenges and new forms of letting go to the present and i honestly really want to be accountable for my friends and to be there for them in all that they do and seek to do in their lives. They are champions, leaders, inspriations, and my strength. Without them, i could never have gotten as far as i am now. We have all been acccountable for each other and i will always support them even when we are apart, this is being accountable. Apologizing when you need to, being honest when you must be, having loyalty, respect, and trust. Accountability is something everyone constantly considers and thinks about.

















































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