Smile – Personal Development Attribute

A smile 🙂 🙂 🙂

A smile is an expression of joy, of emotion, perhaps hope, maybe support, or encouragement.

Anyone can smile, and every smile is beautiful. No matter if they’re missing teeth, have no tongue, or something, it is still beautiful. Why? Because it’s a simple act of being human. When we are happy it becomes uncontrollable, when we want to praise another it happens. You ever just looked at someone, and smiled? You smiled cause for that moment, that fragment of life, you felt happy. happy to be there, to know them, to be you, to breathe, to live. Very few people can say they had never smiled throughout their whole lifetime because it is close to impossible. Next time someone smiles at you, perhaps smile back, who knows what can happen. it might just brighten someones day.

Facts about smiling :

  • Forcing yourself to smile can boost your mood: Psychologists have found that even if you’re in bad mood, you can instantly lift your spirits by forcing yourself to smile.
  • It boosts your immune system: Smiling really can improve your physical health, too. Your body is more relaxed when you smile, which contributes to good health and a stronger immune system.
  • Smiles are contagious: It’s not just a saying: smiling really is contagious, scientists say. In a study conducted in Sweden, people had difficulty frowning when they looked at other subjects who were smiling, and their muscles twitched into smiles all on their own.
  • Smiles Relieve Stress: Your body immediately releases endorphins when you smile, even when you force it. This sudden change in mood will help you feel better and release stress.
  • It’s easier to smile than to frown: Scientists have discovered that your body has to work harder and use more muscles to frown than it does to smile.
  • It’s a universal sign of happiness: While hand shakes, hugs, and bows all have varying meanings across cultures, smiling is known around the world and in all cultures as a sign of happiness and acceptance.

Link to other fascinating facts about smiling! 🙂

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“Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.”

You have the power to brighten another’s day with just one smile. Smiles are universal happiness. Everyone and Anyone can smile. Never be ashamed of your smile, ever, because at least you smile, that is powerful because you aren’t afraid to let the world in on your happiness and to spread it with others. I’ve smiled before, because someone else smiled at me. For the remains of that day i couldn’t stop smiling, everywhere i went i greeted people smiling, and vice versa. My days have always been better when i smile, it’s like sunshine, like contagious. We must always keep hope and happiness, and not let obstacles and tragedy change us. Let’s start a smile chain, i smile, you smile, … 🙂


“Act well your part; there all honor lies.”

Alexander Pope

When you do something right and just it is honorable because you did not cheat or lie. Everything we do good heartedly should be honored and praised because not everyone is honorable and good. Very few of us nowadays do things with integrity. We often do things without integrity which on its own deserves no respect or honor. If you win by cheating, you are bringing dishonor upon yourself. Do things how they are intended to be done is an honorable thing. If you do something right you yourself feel honor and pride within you. When firefighters rescue lives they feel honored to recieve medals for their heroic deeds.



“Your worth consists in what you are and not what you have.”
Thomas Edison, Inventor

No amount of material (money, success, career, etc.) will ever mean more than how you truly are. My aunt has a good job, but not a good heart. She is also a very pretty woman, but she is not pretty on the inside. She is shallow and doesn’t look after her kids. As you can tell, I’m not fond of her. My aunt is loved by many people, but usually it is due to her money and physical appearance, it has never been her true way of being. I know we should love our family, but i just can’t love a person who is as fake as a barbie doll. sometimes, she seems like a robot. Without feelings and sympathy. No amount of credentials and degrees in her job and no amount of money she makes will ever change how she is. It won’t make her any bit more human. No matter how many products she uses for her appearance, nothing will ever be enough to hide her emptiness. i feel sorry for her… she only cares about herself and her money and making others feel less than herself. What matters is what’s inside. What matters is who and how you truly are.

Student success statement

” Be positive in the darkest of situations. Have hope even when you feel like you have nothing to hope for.”

In any bad situation, don’t assume the worst. Hope for the best. When you’re positive about things, it passes on. Your positivity  can brighten another persons day and make them smile. Being negative, won’t help you at all. It keeps you depressed and down all the time. Smile once in a while, it’s good for your health. You can literally change someone perspective with optimism. Some see the glass half full and others see it half empty. There are times when you can’t go on, and you feel miserable. But you keep hope and stay positive, even though you feel that nothing good will come of it. Have hope.


Friends and familia (i love you guys….)

We all have special important people in our lives that mean a lot to us. 

We laugh with them, cry with them and pretty much do everything with them. It’s almost crazy to think that at some point in your life these wonderful people were strangers and that neither of you knew each other. I guess people grow on us and we learn to love everything about them. Their loudness or quietness. Their shyness or boldness. Their thoughts and comments. I know my friends and family members so well i can almost predict what they’re going to say or how they’ll react to a situation. I love them. Predictable. Weird. Crazy,but hey i love them. Spending time together and literally doing nothing productive with our lives, yet being so happy in those fine little moments of glory. We just sit there having meaningless random conversations and laughing, and its funny that those times could matter more than winning awards for achievements and it means more than a new car. Its priceless. Marvelous. Beautiful. I feel really lame talking about it but yeah if you take a second to look at your friendships and relationships, you just smile cause you know that the little memory flashbacks playing in your head are going to be things you remember for the rest of your waking life. Maybe happiness means more than success and money. Maybe doing memorable stupid things aren’t so stupid in the end. Appreciate what you got before you lose it. 



























